Happy Holydays!

                                                                        Happy Holydays! where every day is holy! 


This holiday season Peter Haverkamp (Cottage Door Studios 🙂 has produced a Christmas/Winter/ Holiday/ Winter solstice called Snowy Streets (I’m not trying to be politically correct, just recognizing that some of the songs aren’t about Christmas) .   The compilation features myself as well as a great roster of Niagara Musicians.  The compilation features an older one of  my songs “Snowy Streets” as well as a brand new one that’s been titled “Gamma Ray Jesus”, but which could alternatively have been titled “Gamma Ray Jesus and Robin Hood take on corporate greed” or simply “Occupy Christmas”.    You can check out samples of the music and pre-order the album here  .  The proceeds of the album will go towards starting a creative hub in St. Catharines Ontario.

I’ve been really impressed with the quality of songs and music on this album, but I really shouldn’t be because all the folks who contributed are super talented.  Old pals and bandmates Aaron Berger and Nate Goold, best hugger in the world Bob Goodall, Chef Extraordinaire Brandon Agnew, sweet singing John Boyd, Uberkamp himself, beltin’ Rita Visser, Old man Joe Stracuzzi, Beth “Less Is” Moore, Fast Eddie Dupont, Nathan ChamberOrchestraLand, and of course the one and only Thunderclap (that names so cool I won’t even try).

also check out the Niagara Falls Review Article:



Snowy Streets on Bandcamp:

